A nail biter week

I know the one thing which took up the most mind share for you this week was the question “is she still working on a novel”? After a recount and a round of lawsuits, I’m prepared to answer that yes, I am. You can now stop watching CNN around the clock.

Part of my process* has been to absorb whatever I can find about the craft of writing. My current obsession is plotting.

It turns out that when it comes to putting together plot, there are (by the seat of their) “pantsers”who have only a few key details when they plunge into writing, and planners who put together a fairly detailed outline before writing anything.

In my real life I am undoubtedly a pantser, but the version of myself who is making up a story is more uptight. The idea of wandering in the writing wilderness for a hundred pages and hoping I come out with a plausible narrative is more risk than I can handle. While outlining does not guarantee that my novel will be well-received, or even good, it will at least hang together in the shape of a book, which is something.

Learning to plot and outline at 52 years old has been strangely exhilarating. This is the stuff that made my younger self go glassy- eyed with boredom, but on the backside of my life it’s a relief to know not only can I learn new skills, I can also learn new behaviors.

More than anything, this journey has given me hope and something to look forward to. I’ve fully leaned in, something I’m generally reticent to do about anything.

If you are on your own journey, writing or otherwise, I’d love to know and cheer you on. If you’re feeling stuck and shy about sticking your toes in new waters, I completely understand, and I hope some element of my own writing journey gives you permission to take a chance. I have no success to brag about at this point, but it turns out that doing something brave is rewarding, whatever the outcome.

With love and fingers stained with Cheeto dust, Leah

* Now that I’m a serious writer it’s important that I adopt writerly words like “process” because writers are always asked about this when interviewed. I will need to hone my answer because obviously the truth – which includes giving into every distraction, flailing, and salty snacking – is not suitably inspiring.