A special snowflake

The gang I work with has started hosting weekly virtual tea times as a way to socialize.

I have a reputation for being socially averse, so I decided to join as a step toward reversing that perception. Virtual gatherings are perfect for introverts because it’s a simple click of the mouse to be free from small talk – sorry, my connection dropped! Also, you can wear your pajamas which, introvert or not, is pretty awesome.

Everyone began discussing bread baking and the intricate and healthy meals they’ve made from scratch featuring ingredients I’d never heard of. I, meanwhile, have baked nothing, not so much as a bag of microwave popcorn (baking snobs, please don’t fill my feed with comments arguing this is not actually baking), and until recently thought quinoa was pronounced kwi-noah.

I decided I should be baking too, but hand-to-god I Googled “recipes that start with cake mix” because that’s as from-scratch as I get. I did find some awesome cake mix chocolate chip cookies, but like any true artist, I added it to my “artisan baking” Pinterest board for further contemplation. Art will not be rushed.

Watch this space for further quarantine tips and tricks, including step by step instructions for my eco-friendly strategy of using the same coffee mug for a week straight.

With love and a touch of madness. -Leah

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